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Animal Communication

●Three questions or messages 3,000 yen

【payable with PayPal or PayPay 】

Animal communicator, AYAKO can talk with your pets.

Once you find out what your pets are thinking about or reasons of their behaviors, you can live with them easier and more enjoyable. You might love your pets even more.

Question examples:

- What do you want us to do?

- What do you think about us?

- What makes you happy?

- What do you think about 〇〇? 

Message examples:

- We love you. Thank you.

- You are going to stay home alone for a day, but we'll definitely come back by midnight. So don't worry.

The animal communicator can discuss about a problem with your pets. 

Problem examples:

- Barking.

- Messing up trash cans while family members are out.

At first, the animal communicator will tell your pet that the owner doesn't like the situation you make. Secondly, ask a reason why they do that. Then, the animal communicator will NEGOTIATE your pet to stop such behavior. If they accept your idea, they will behave better. However, sometimes they won't change even they understand what you say.

Also, the animal communicator can talk with your pets who live in Heaven. 

We recommend you wait for at least a month after your pet passed away because your pet's soul needs time to settle down his/her new life in heaven.

●Three questions or messages 3,000 yen


【Additional options】

 Add one more question or message  +1,000 yen

 Add two more questions or messages +1,500 yen

 Add three more questions or messages +2,500 yen

 Add one more pet +2,500 yen

【payable with PayPal or PayPay 】


Please contact us via email, LINE or call.

We would like you to send us your pets' information and photos. Also, tell us your three questions or messages.

The animal communicator will talk with your pets.

We'll send you the result.

※We don't need to see your pets in person.

​※We usually need 2-4 days to send you the result.

​●We provide this session in COCONALA, too. You can check out the reviews there.



Official LINE account



Call 090-4627-1124

Message to Animal Communicator, AYAKO

(Salon KAREN)

※About the payment: 

PayPal, Paypay, and cash are available.

※We cannot diagnose or find a lost animal.

Please feel free to ask any questions about Animal Communication.(^^)/

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